Wednesday, March 30, 2016



By Betsy Kraus

"There is no greater enemy of the Immaculata and her Knighthood than today’s
Ecumenism which every Knight must not only fight against, but also neutralize through diametrically opposed action and ultimately destroy." (Saint Maximillian Maria Kolbe) 

With the arrival of "Neo-Modernism" and the idea that we are all one in the Holy Spirit, Unity in Diversity spread its wings. How much of this thought was embedded in the "Spirit of Vatican II" by theologians of that persuasion? By 2000, the Vatican Commission for Interreligious Dialogue released the following statement in their report entitled Presence and Actions of the Holy Spirit in the World and in Other Religions. In it they say:

"The Second Vatican Council has given some very clear guidelines also on this point, recognizing the presence and action of the Holy Spirit in the Church but also outside it, and above all in other religions."


Because Modernism tells us that there is no separation between nature and grace, would it be inferred that all are endowed with Sanctifying grace through the Holy Spirit? Then even non-Christians would also be redeemed and therefore be Children of God. In the thought of Modernists, we are redeemed through the Incarnation and not the Cross.  If that would be true, then wouldn’t Ecumenism and Evangelization just become exercises in the
in the Universal Brotherhood of the Masons and Pan-religion organizations rather that conversion to the one true Catholic Church? Would membership in the Catholic Church even be necessary, or would we all just be members in a "Kingdom of God"?

Catholic Apologetics teaches the following regarding the Cross and atonement: "147) Christ offered Himself on the Cross as a true and proper sacrifice. (De fide.) 148) Christ by His Sacrifice on the Cross has ransomed us and reconciled us with God. (De fide.) 149) Christ, through His Suffering and Death rendered vicarious atonement [see objective and subjective - Ott p. 189] to God for the sins of man. (Sent. fidei proxima.) 154) Christ, through His Passion and Death, merited reward from God. (De fide.) "

Are "We are all children of God"? Catholic doctrine teaches that we become children of God only by adoption. We are adopted through baptism. Once baptized, those who were mere servants of God become children of God. It is then that the Holy Spirit indwells the souls of the just. [The church also teaches that those who are baptized, but reject the Church are also severed from the Holy Spirit.]

It is true that God is present in all men. He is present in a high manner because of the spiritual qualities of intellect and will present in every man. But only those who are baptized and in the state of Sanctifying Grace are capable of the "Divine Indwelling". [Our Quest for Happiness]

To understand all the truths of Catholic faith regarding the Holy Spirit, below are two of just many authoritative sources:
1. Pope Leo XIII’s Encyclical: Divinum Illud Munus.
2. Our Quest for Happiness: The Ark and the Dove: Book Three

It is a dogma of faith that no one can be saved outside the Church, yet she remains charitable and loving to those who are outside the Church. She says that those who are invincibly ignorant of Christ and his Church are not to be judged worthy of eternal punishment because of this ignorance.  For they are innocent in the eyes of the Lord of any fault in this matter.  God wishes all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth; and if one does what he can, God does not withhold the grace for him to obtain justification and eternal life.  But no one obtains eternal life if he dies separated from the unity of faith or from communion with the Church through his own fault.  If anyone is not in this ark while the flood rages he will perish. [Dormann, Part 1, page 1-2]

The Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma states:

"While the Holy Ghost is the soul of the Church, the lawfully organised visible commonwealth of the faithful is the body of the Church. Both conjointly form a coherent whole as do the soul and the body in man. 1 Cor. 12, I3: ‘In one spirit were we all baptized to one body.’ It follows from this that he who culpably persists in remaining outside the body of the Church cannot participate in the Holy Ghost, and in the life of grace effected by Him. St. Augustine says: "Only the body of Christ lives from the spirit of Christ. Willst thou then live of the Spirit of Christ? Then be in the body of Christ! (In loan tr. 26. 13.) ‘The Spirit does not pursue a separated member.’ (Sermon 267, 4. 4)" [pages 294-96]

Yet, in the minds of some in the Church, does there still reside a hope for some kind of "Universal Salvation"?

The words of Pope Leo XII exemplify Jesus’ love for all mankind. The Church wishes to bring all men into the body of the Church, as explained by St. Augustine. Christ established His Church, the Catholic Church, with His words to St. Peter, the first Pope. The Catholic Church is the institution that embodies the means of grace and salvation for all. Jesus did not establish many Churches with conflicting doctrines, He instituted one Catholic Church which invites and welcomes all to join her and share in her glory, beauty, and truth.


In light of the clear Dogmatic teachings of the Church regarding the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, what is one to understand by the statements of Farther Catalamessa, Preacher of the Pontifical Household, in his Fifth Lenten 2016 Sermon? Father Cantalamessa, who has received "Baptism in the Spirit", says:

"The risen Lord is still doing the same thing today. He sends his Spirit and his charisms, often with the identical external manifestations, on believers of quite different churches, including those whose beliefs we had thought were the furthest from ours."

The "Religion of the Collective" and "the Brotherhood of man" cannot constitute the body of Christ. It can only constitute the religious indifferentism of Rousseau, the Enlightenment, and the occult tenets of the inheritors of Renaissance Alchemy and Neo-Platonism (i.e. Rosicrucianism, The Illuminati, Free Masonry, and Secret Societies.) Such concepts infiltrated the thinking of the Modernists. Then there emerged a "new" idea that the Paschal mystery holds true not only for Christians but for all men of good will.


One of the tenets of Modernism is: "A spirit of reconciliation among all men through the feelings of the heart. Many and varied also are the modernist dreams of an understanding between the different Christian religions, nay, even between religion and a species of atheism, and all on a basis of agreement that must be superior to mere doctrinal differences." [Emphasis, Ed.]

Did such "heart feelings" create a thesis for Universal Salvation, which eliminated the distinction between Christians and non-Christians with regard to salvation? Such reasoning would make every man an "anonymous Christian" according to the teachings of Nouvelle theologian, Karl Rahner, and others who share his beliefs. Then all would be "Children of God".

If any of these novelties were incurred by the Spirit of Vatican II, it should be remembered that Vatican II had absolutely no authority whatsoever to change Church Dogma or divine revelation in the name of "Progress". Nor could Vatican II, nor any other council, override or cancel any previous Dogmatic teachings of the Church including those on the Holy Spirit and ecumenism.


"Never perhaps in the past have we seen, as we see in these our own times, the minds of men so occupied by the desire both of strengthening and of extending to the common welfare of human society that fraternal relationship which binds and unites us together, and which is a consequence of our common origin and nature. For since the nations do not yet fully enjoy the fruits of peace -- indeed rather do old and new disagreements in various places break forth into sedition and civic strife -- and since on the other hand many disputes which concern the tranquility and prosperity of nations cannot be settled without the active concurrence and help of those who rule the States and promote their interests, it is easily understood, and the more so because none now dispute the unity of the human race, why many desire that the various nations, inspired by this universal kinship, should daily be more closely united one to another.

2. A similar object is aimed at by some, in those matters which concern the New Law promulgated by Christ our Lord. For since they hold it for certain that men destitute of all religious sense are very rarely to be found, they seem to have founded on that belief a hope that the nations, although they differ among themselves in certain religious matters, will without much difficulty come to agree as brethren in professing certain doctrines, which form as it were a common basis of the spiritual life."

The Encyclical continues:

"For which reason conventions, meetings and addresses are frequently arranged by these persons, at which a large number of listeners are present, and at which all without distinction are invited to join in the discussion, both infidels of every kind, and Christians, even those who have unhappily fallen away from Christ or who with obstinacy and pertinacity deny His divine nature and mission. Certainly such attempts can nowise be approved by Catholics, founded as they are on that false opinion which considers all religions to be more or less good and praiseworthy, since they all in different ways manifest and signify that sense which is inborn in us all, and by which we are led to God and to the obedient acknowledgment of His rule. Not only are those who hold this opinion in error and deceived, but also in distorting the idea of true religion they reject it, and little by little. turn aside to naturalism and atheism, as it is called; from which it clearly follows that one who supports those who hold these theories and attempt to realize them, is altogether abandoning the divinely revealed religion." 

Are Ecumenical overtures, arising from the Pontifical Council for Culture, now to be extended to even the Masons? This statement from the article at Rorate Caeli Entitled "DEAR BROTHER MASONS" - Full Article on Catholic-Masonic Dialogue by Cardinal Ravasi -- And, exclusive, an answer by Card. Ravasi" might indicate that:

"These various declarations on the incompatibility of the two memberships in the Church or in Freemasonry, do not impede, however, dialogue, as is explicitly stated in the German Bishops’ document which had already listed the specific areas for discussion, such as the communitarian dimension, works of charity, the fight against materialism, human dignity and reciprocal knowledge."
The Church has repeatedly condemned Secret Societies and Free Masonry: "(3) Catholics who join the Masons are in the state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion and (4) no local ecclesiastical authority has competence to derogate from these judgments of the Sacred Congregation." 

Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D., informs us of the many deadly statements made by Masons concerning their beliefs and thoughts regarding the Catholic Church. In his book, Now is the Dawning of the New Age New World Order, he notes that the Freemason Albert Pike stated:

"There is no…independent and self-existent Evil Principle in rebellion against God…Evil is merely apparent: and all is in reality good and perfect." Cuddy continues with regard to Masonic leader Giuseppe Mazzini’s comments in 1856: "‘…we have applied the Chisel to the last refuge of superstition, and the Vatican will fall beneath our vivifying Mallet. He urged Masons ‘to scatter the stones of the Vatican as to build with them the Temple of Emancipated Nation.’" 

His Holiness, Pope Clement XII commanded that there be no intercourse with secret sects and societies in his Pontifical Constitution. In Eminenti , written in 1738, he forcefully condemned Masonry and all such sects and societies forever! Since then Popes have repeatedly warned against them.

Pope Pius IX spoke out against them in no uncertain terms when he wrote of the Synagogue of Satan. [Miller]   

Obviously it is not the Roman Catholic Church that has plotted Ecumenism and a One World Religion. Who are real the purveyors of a One World Religion? It is they who must have a One World Religion to ensure a One World Order. The Popes have exposed the methods and tenets of those pernicious seeds and Secret Societies that attempt to destroy the Catholic Church and Christian civilization. Yet could some in the Church have forgotten these warnings?

 Astana, Kazakhstan July, 2009: A Brotherhood of Mankind

UN SecretaryGeneral Ban Kimoon addressed the Kazakhstan world religious leaders in 2015. The U.N. is a member of this organization at Astana.
One of the many organization under the umbrella of the U.N. octopus is the Council of the Spiritual Caucus of the U.N. See what the U. N.’s other ecumenical-style organizations, including the Findhorn Foundation, Gaia Education, Operation Peace through Unity, and the United Religions Initiative at the United Nations present for world consumption. It is shocking that Catholics are involved in the United Religions Initiative.

"False Dawn: The United Religions Initiative, Globalism, and the Quest for a One-World Religion," by Lee Penn, we are advised of the nature of the United Religious Initiative (URI), as well as the staggering money and power backing this as well as other U. N. organizations .[see page 441] Penn demonstrates the similarity between the URI and the 1910 radical French Catholic Sillon movement that was condemned by Pope Pius X in his encyclical Notre Charge Apostolique. In this encyclical, the Holy Father exposes the evils of a One World Religion and radical "Social Justice".

"We ask Ourselves, Venerable Brethren, what has become of the Catholicism of the Sillon? Alas! this organization which formerly afforded such promising expectations, this limpid and impetuous stream, has been harnessed in its course by the modern enemies of the Church, and is now no more than a miserable affluent of the great movement of apostasy being organized in every country for the establishment of a One-World Church which shall have neither dogmas, nor hierarchy, neither discipline for the mind, nor curb for the passions, and which, under the pretext of freedom and human dignity, would bring back to the world (if such a Church could overcome) the reign of legalized cunning and force, and the oppression of the weak, and of all those who toil and suffer. 

But stranger still, alarming and saddening at the same time, are the audacity and frivolity of men who call themselves Catholics and dream of re-shaping society under such conditions, and of establishing on earth, over and beyond the pale of the Catholic Church, "the reign of love and justice" with workers coming from everywhere, of all religions and of no religion, with or without beliefs, so long as they forego what might divide them - their religious and philosophical convictions, and so long as they share what unites them - a 'generous idealism and moral forces drawn from whence they can'...

...We fear that worse is to come: the end result of this developing promiscuousness, the beneficiary of this cosmopolitan social action, can only be a Democracy which will be neither Catholic, nor Protestant, nor Jewish. It will be a religion (for Sillonism, so the leaders have said, is a religion) more universal than the Catholic Church, uniting all men become brothers and comrades at last in the "Kingdom of God". - "We do not work for the Church, we work for mankind." 

Penn exposes the occult, Communistic, New Age elements embodied in the U.N., UNESCO, The Earth Charter, and the URI. He addresses much of this evil with exhaustive facts and research and in light of the teachings of the Popes throughout the ages.  

Let us remember that Robert Muller, former Secretary General of UNESCO, subscribed to Alice Bailey’s New Age transformation of mankind. Muller was the keynote speaker at the 1985 National Catholic Education Association (NCEA) convention in St. Louis, entitled Gateway to Global Understanding.

Muller was deeply influenced by the Nouvelle Theologian, Teilhard de Chardin. It was Muller who wrote the book, the New Genesis: Shaping a Global Spirituality, in which he states:

"Once again, but this time on a universal scale, humankind is seeking no less than its reunion with the ‘divine,’ its transcendence into ever higher forms of life. Hindus call our earth Brahma, or God, for they rightly see no difference between our earth and the divine. This ancient simple truth is slowly dawning again upon humanity. Its full flowering be the real, great new story of humanity as we are about to enter our cosmic age...." SRC

One can readily see that the Spiritual Caucus, Gaia Education, and other such U. N. organizations are examples of transforming consciousness which promote the Pan-Religion of the gnostic and pantheistic tenets of Teilhard de Chardin, Robert Muller, et al. They have assisted in unleashing their New Age and Neo-Modernism upon the world and on the world’s students. Such Modernistic mind-sets would seem to echo Joachim’s concept in which all in the Age of the Spirit would be spiritualized, transformed, and unified. With such fallacies, can we assume that there is a concerted pursuit of a Spiritual Communism, a Masonic brotherhood of man, and a New Age transcendence? Would the hierarchical institutional Church become moot if such a pursuit would actually transpire?

If the institutional Church is discarded, wouldn’t her Dogma and Doctrine also have to be rejected? We have already briefly glimpsed the pursuit of "direct contact" with God through Baptism of the Spirit and a personal relationship with Jesus. These concepts have the potential to make the Church and her vital Sacraments peripheral. In light of a New Age of the Spirit, what is the message of ecumenical world councils? Could they convey a coming One World Religion through Universal Salvation, Anonymous Christians, and no separation of nature and grace, making all supernatural in a transcended Age of the Spirit?


What do the following comments by the leading Nouvelle Theologian, Cardinal Henri de Lubac, author of the condemned book on the supernatural, suggest?

"Just as the Jews for so long have placed all their hope not in individual rewards after death, but in the collective destiny of their race and the glory of their earthly Jerusalem, likewise, all the hopes of the Christian should tend toward the coming of the kingdom and the glory of the one Jerusalem .... Spiritualized and universalized, according to the words of the prophecies themselves, Judaism transmits to Christianity its conception of an essential social salvation." 

By Social Salvation does de Lubac mean Ecumenism and Social Justice as a means to attain a Joachim-like perfect society on earth? How much of such a concept includes Liberation Theology and Collective Salvation? According to one source, Social Justice and "the Social Gospel preached in its purity demands more than social service." Social Salvation also includes establishing a kingdom of heaven here on earth. The whole community must be saved to accomplish social reconstruction, and Social Salvation. Individual salvation is not enough to bring about the perfect society. Are we seeing vague hints in de Lubac’s writings which could possibly support a Protestant-style New Apostolic Reformation and/or a Jewish Mosaic or Noah ide Law Theocracy? (C.S. Lewis calls Theocracy the worst of all governments). Is there any comparison between essential social salvation, spiritualized and universalized, the Sillon movement and the Spiritual socialism of 19th century Transcendentalism, or Spiritualism, direct knowledge of God, with the transformational learning and teaching apparently existing in Catholic circles?

A brilliant study entitled Nostra Aetate Dolorosa, by William P. Fall, devastates the falsehoods of Ecumenism, Judaic and otherwise. He exposes the errors of "The Universal Masonic Brotherhood of Man", and he does this with the irrefutable truths of the Catholic Church.

An article written in 1976 entitled "Merger of TM and Catholicism" stated that Transcendental
Meditation was simply the Spiritual Socialism of Saint-Simon, Fourier, etc. [Miller]


Note the Tower of Babel in the background of the above image:

Dr. Cuddy states: "The Babylonians in The Holy Bible were known for their rebellion against God, and even before Babylonia existed, the Babylonians’ ancestors built the Tower of Babel as a rebellion against God. Recently, there was a European Community poster showing their rebuilding of the Tower of Babel today…, and it is modeled after 16th century artist Pieter Bruegel’s painting of the Tower of Babel, with the added slogan "Europe: Many Tongues, One Voice." The building in which the Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union (Javier Solana) is located also looks like the Tower of Babel." (Emphasis added)

Can a One World Religion to accompany a one world Tower of Babel be attained through "inner transcendence" in which the human soul encounters the God of infinite majesty? Would this kind of "inner transcendence" surpass all historic religions? Can the "Pentecostalism of the Spirit" and "Baptism of the Spirit" subscribed to by Nouvelle Theologian, Cardinal Yves Congar, be a part of the movement for "Inner transcendence"?

"Congar advocated being "born again, a term often used by Pentecostals and those of that persuasion. The following quote identifies his concept of ‘twice born’…. ‘There are the people who received ‘a kind of revelation’, a new birth; they have discovered a new personal set of values and a kind of change has come over their lives. They live their lives no longer in conformity to received ideas of the social milieus but according to their own personal convictions.’"

How could Christianity possibly evolve into the One World religion of Babylonian Mystery Religions? Answer: the Hegelian Dialectic!
In a report entitled Father Teilhard de Chardin: Father of the New Age Movement we read: "…the author of the essay ‘Lucifer Rising’, Philip Jones, suggests that there is an: "Hegelian Dialectic to combine a form of Christianity as thesis, with a pagan spiritualism as antithesis, resulting in a synthesis very akin to the Babylonian Mystery Religions." 


In a lecture on Modernism and Modern Thought by Father J. Bampton, S. J., there is revealed this same "personal experience" error of Modernism. Father Bampton says:

"We said at the beginning that a Catholic would agree with Modernism that the Christian revelation means ‘Christ made known to man,’ but would disagree with him when it came to answering the question: how made known? We have just seen how the Catholic answers that question. His answer is: Made known by the Church, by the Church a teaching body, by the Church an external agency’. The Modernist would answer: ‘Not so, but by an inward, personal, religious experience." [Emphasis added]

What happens when Catholics are separated from Dogma and Doctrine of the Catholic Church? Does immanentism occur? This was discussed in Part II by Dr. Boyd in speaking of a personal relationship with Jesus. Father John Hardon, in writing on the subject of immanentist apologetics, refers to it as:

"‘A method of establishing the credibility of the Christian faith by appealing to the subjective satisfaction that the faith gives to the believer.’ Coupled with this emphasis on the subjective, there is a downplaying of the objective criteria of our faith... Purely personal motives for faith, motives that have mainly to do with feelings, are given primary of place. ‘Religion, therefore, would consist,’ Father Bouyer remarks, ‘entirely in the religious feeling itself.’ Reason is marginalized, and the idea of belief, as being essentially the assent of the intellect, loses its currency…Immanentism may be summed by saying that it represents a stance of reckless subjectivism with regard to the faith. It cavalierly dismisses, as being of only secondary importance, the objective foundations of religion, as revealed to us by God Himself and as incorporated in the deposit of faith." [Emphasis added]


If the Theological Virtue of Love is taught with little or no emphasis being placed on Faith and Hope, can that omission further encourage "subjective feelings" of the heart at the expense of engaging the intellect and will where the Holy Spirit dwells? Because "Love" suggests "feelings", can Love without Faith and Hope foster the subjectivism of immanentism and, through feelings of "a brotherhood of love", lead to a brotherhood of a One World Religion? Love is the greatest virtue of all, but Faith and Hope are essential in order to possess Love. The Church teaches that Faith precedes both Hope and Love.

"Theological virtues direct man "in the same way" the other virtues direct mannamely, "in respect of his reason" and "through the rectitude of the will which tends naturally to good as defined by reason" (ST I-II.62.3).  First the intellect receives supernatural principles held by a Divine light; these we call "the articles of faith."  Secondly, "the will is directed to this end, both as to the movement of intention … [and this belongs to] hope, and as to a certain spiritual union, whereby the will is, so to speak, transformed into that endand this belongs to charity" (Ibid.)



The Holy Spirit is Love. If He inspires the hearts of the faithful it is because He dwells in the intellect and the will through Sanctifying Grace. But Is "Love" being encouraged for ecumenical religious convergence through Baptism of the Spirit, inner-transcendence and "a personal relationship with Jesus"? We know that all grace and supernatural habits and powers of Holy Spirit proceed into the faculties of the soul - the memory, the intellect and the will through Baptism and Sanctifying Grace [Our Quest for Happiness] rather than through "feelings of the heart". However, terms such as contemplation and transcendence, which can bypass the intellect and the will, appear to be increasingly popular in Catholic circles, and even Catholic educators are now promoting contemplation in the classroom
One of the workshops at 2015 National Catholic Education Association Conference in Orlando, Florida was entitled: Contemplative Practice: The Distinctive Role of the Catholic Education. Reflect and implement contemplative practice.

Paul Tratnyek with the illuminate the Christian Meditation Movement for Children now growing in Australia and Canada is helping to lead a Colloquium on Leadership, Contemplation and Innovation at Dayton University. Tratnyek is a Professor in the Institute of The Environmental Health Department of the Oregon Health and Science University. (OHSU)

"OHSU Institute of Environmental Health believes preventive medicine starts with a healthy environment. There is overwhelming evidence that human activities and global climate are affecting environmental health and sustainability. Increasingly, these consequences are causing serious implications for human health. IEH believes that predicting and steering environmental change will be a critical component of health care in the future."

Are school children learning Christian meditation or Transcendental "medication"?

View Paul Tratnyek’s Video on Christian Meditation. Note the children and their crossed legs, posture, position of hands, and use of the Mantra, Maranatha, all employed in Yoga and Eastern Mysticism. The cross-legged sitting position aligns the Chakras including the 4th Chakra, the Heart Chakra, the well spring of love. Such practices can induce altered states for a "heart centered God" and listening to the" voice of God". Note the constant reference to "relaxation". [Why is the pro-gay marriage former Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams quoted at the end of the video?]  

Perhaps for a better understanding of the effects of "Christian Meditation" on children, the
Society for Quality Education seems to have a fairly clear explanation:
"Meditation helps people pay attention and concentrate. In this regard, meditation has been particularly effective helping children with learning and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorders…After meditation, the children in the studies showed an increased ability to concentrate and listen, greater self-discipline regarding physical movement…and emotional outbursts… "Children need more meditation and less stimulation"…Teachers reported improved behavior in difficult children. Yet no one suggests it was a ‘cure-all’ practice…the health benefits of mediation are well documented: it can relieve stress, lower blood pressure, and alleviate depression… Psychiatrist Jonathan Champion said research showed most mental health problems have begun by the age of 14. Giving children periods of quietness and reflection to promote wellbeing could save money on healthcare later."

Such contemplation and meditation would seem to have more to do with "mental health" and "learning" (Agenda 2030 and Common Core?) than true contemplation and Catholic mysticism’s
"Three Ways" of purgation of sin, illumination, and union with God. If true mysticism or contemplation is being offered in the classroom then each student would have to have a spiritual adviser for guidance and for protection from the dangers of false spirits. Could such terms of contemplation etc. perhaps be euphemisms to denote socialistic "transformational teaching and learning" based on techniques of behavioral transcendence, promoting Agenda 2030? Contemplative practices were recommended in 2007 for Catholic children by a leading Catholic educator. 
This should not be surprising as The United States is listed as a member of the Socialist/Marxist U.N.’s agenda through their membership in the globally inclusive Catholic International Education Office. This office is a part of UNESCO, which promotes Robert Muller’s New Age World Core Curriculum. Here the Catholics share aims with UNESCO. Again, Robert Muller was the key note speaker at the National Catholic Education Association’s Convention in St. Louis in 1985.
Sir Julian Huxley was the first Director General of UNESCO. He was an evolutionist, a eugenicist, a Humanist, a supporter of Planned Parenthood and an internationalist. He said: "…the UN cannot base itself on any one religion, and, as no single religion can solve world problems, the only answer is a vast synthesis of all religions as the spiritual foundation of the U.N." [Emphasis added] [page3]

It was the
Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity that opened the doors to the World Council of Churches’ ecumenical movement. 
"The Council also finally opened the door for official cooperation between the World Council of Churches Secretariat on Faith and Order and the Vatican’s Secretariat for Promoting Unity." Read Chris Jackson’s reports regarding such a movement in his series entitled Why Ecumenism is Solemn Nonsense:  Parts I through V.

A One World Synarchy

A Study in Syncretism: The Background and Apparatus of the Emerging One World by John Cotter

Although not an official member of the World Council of Churches (WCC), the Catholic Church has had Pontifical Councils very active in or with the World Council of Churches for apparently many years through various inter-religious programs. The Roman Catholic Church and the WCC are in constant dialogue with atheists, agnostics and Communists. [Cotter]  

To understand the syncretistic goals of the World Council of Churches, the meaning of the "Kingdom of God", and the promotion of an "Earth Religion", one should be aware of the comments made by the WCC guest speaker, German Reformed Theologian, Jürgen Moltmann, and his theological and ecumenical views featured at a World Council of Churches site:  

"Moltmann warned against placing ultimate confidence in the institutional churches as we see them today. "The vision and hope of the ecumenical movement is not in the church, but in the kingdom of God. We must open ourselves up to the surprises of the future." [Emphasis added]

"Encouraging the imagination of his listeners, he contrasted the traditionalist churches of the West that arose in the Constantinian era of empire and domination with emerging non-Constantinian churches, especially arising in Asia, Africa and Oceania. These are "minority communities organized as an enterprise," relying on the support of the Holy Spirit and introducing new forms of spirituality." [Emphasis added]

"We need a new spirituality of our senses," said Moltmann, "advancing a spirituality that takes the world seriously, moving toward a commitment to ‘earth religion.’ He applauded what he characterized as this ‘ecological turn to theology.’"

"Politically, earth religion creates greater commitment to this life, this earth. (Emphasis added)


Moltmann calls for "An ecological turn in theology". How much of Moltmann’s earth religion has been assimilated into current Catholic Church thought? The Catholic Church has always taught that she, the Bride of Christ founded by Jesus Christ, is purely religious for the sanctification of the eternal salvation of souls. She has per se no political, economic, social or purely cultural goals to achieve. Nor are such programs found in the gospel.  Her mission is the Christianization of cultures. [Dormann] 

Don’t these comments of Moltmann seem to be the Joachim-like visions for a demise of the Church? Might we speculate that the "earth religion" is embodied in the goals of U. N. Agenda 2030?Do not take the Masons, the U. N., and the ecumenical "earth religion" people lightly: In one of his reports, Dr. Dennis Cuddy says:

"’The plan’ includes a ‘Federation of Nations’ that would be taking rapid shape by 2025 A.D., and there would be a ‘synthesis in business, in religion, and in politics,’… But the seventh Ray Aquarian Age would be dominated by ‘Masons. Financiers. Great Businessmen and organizers of all kinds.’ [Perhaps community organizers? Ed.] Bailey explained that Masonry emanated from Shamballa, and that on the seventh Ray there would be ‘Your Masonic opportunity and your ability to organize and rule…’ Connecting Masons, Lucifer, and the Aryans of Shamballa, leading Masonic philosopher Manly P. Hall in The Lost Keys of Freemasonry (1923) revealed that ‘the seething energies of Lucifer are in his [the Mason’s] hands.’"

What does the Catholic Church really teach regarding unity and Ecumenism? Anything less that uniting others in the true faith is a blending of religions for unity in the name of "peace".

Our faith teaches us that true unity, the unity of faith of the Church is destroyed through heresy, and the unity of communion is broken through schism. On that basis, the only hope for restoration of the ruptured unity among Christians lay in conversion, in the return to the fold of the Catholic Church, which is the body of the Church as explained by St. Augustine.  

As Catholics, we are all called on to defend Holy Mother Church (the Church Militant), but if we do not understand the forces of Modernism, Nouvelle Theology, and occultism pounding at the gates of Holy Mother Church, we cannot defend her. If we do not understand these attacks, we will not be able to see the false church rising, which Bishop Athanasius Schneider, of Astana, Kazakhstan warned about and was cited in Part I of Quo Vadis.

At Astana’s Illuminati pyramid, where Catholic and other world religious leaders meet, multiple fluttering doves are etched into the glass at the pyramid’s occult apex. Does this suggest not one but many religions are in possession of the Holy Spirit and are converging together into the "heavens"? The Apex of the pyramid represents heaven. The "floating" apex over the pyramid on our dollar bill is to be joined to the pyramid when all religions and worlds have converged and we have transcended into one.

The Palace of Peace and Reconciliation at Astana
Doves at the Apex of the Astana Palace of Peace and Reconciliation
Bishop Athanasius Schneider had already warned us that a false religion is rising within the Catholic Church. In an even more recent and exclusive interview with Rorate Caeli, discussing the "POST-SYNOD CHURCH & UNBELIEVERS IN THE HIERARCHY", Bishop Schneider said,

"The ever growing phenomenon that those who don’t fully believe and profess the integrity of the Catholic faith frequently occupy strategic positions in the life of the Church, such as professors of theology, educators in seminaries, religious superiors, parish priests and even bishops and cardinals."

He called those who don’t fully believe and profess the integrity of the Church wolves in sheep's clothing, cowardly rabbits, and semi-heretical.
Cardinal Burke points to several ways to assist in the restoration of the Church, which
Rorate Caeli summarized regarding overcoming the crisis:

"As pointed out by His Eminence, there are two necessary paths in order to overcome the crisis in which we are these days. What are the paths? ‘The first one is the deepened and thorough catechesis taught from an early age to adulthood, which will give an explanation of faith. Today, we encounter situations when people who want to defend their faith lack expertise and knowledge of the principles. The second path is the need to restore the sacred dimension of the liturgy, which should be built on the fundamental principle that it's not us that creates the liturgy, but it is an act, action and activity of Christ. This principle may be emphasised with all of the details regarding the liturgy, as well as the decoration of the church. Let us always remember that Christ acts in the liturgy’, Cardinal Burke preached."

St. Alphonsus said: "The devil has always striven to deprive the world of the Mass by means of heretics, constituting them the Precursors of Antichrist whose first efforts shall be to abolish the Holy Sacrifice at the Altar; and according to the prophet Daniel his efforts will be successful in punishment of the sins of men…And strength was given him (Antichrist) against the continual sacrifice because of sins’" [Miller]

Understanding the meaning of the Unbloody Sacrifice of the Mass and Holy Communion are imperative for a Catholic.

Hopefully the Holy Mass is still defined as "the unbloody Sacrifice at the Altar". Do the current definitions for Mass such as a Eucharistic celebration, feast, or supper still convey the meaning of Mass as the unbloody Sacrifice at the Altar? 

Pope Leo XII in "Quo Gaviora" addressed all Patriarchs, Primates, Archbishops and Bishops of the Catholic Church:
"I entreat you to become penetrated of the Strength of the Spirit of God, His Intelligence and His Virtue, in order to escape being likened to the Mute Dogs who, unable to bark, leave our flocks exposed to the voracity of beasts roaming the fields. Let nothing stop us, in the fulfillment of our duty which enjoins us to suffer all kinds of combats for the Glory of God and the salvation of souls…"
With the pursuit of Pantheism, Gnosticism, and false world systems, then combined with "evolution" and scientific engineering, is the final goal the new pagan androgynous god-man atop the Tower of Babel?
"…life forms and gender will be blurred in the idea of evolution from molecule to ape to man and woman to transgender to androgynous god-man. In the same way, all distinctions between good and evil, nations and religions will be merged in the chiliastic vision of worldly purification…
"With creation ex nihilo virtually replaced by the evolution god it is now believed that men have not fallen from perfection but are instead gradually evolving upward from their ape beginnings toward greater and greater spiritual perfection." [Source]